Friday, May 23, 2003

Late-night blog.

Almost, almost warm today. Call me a traditionalist. Even this far north, it ought to be warm each and every day by late May. It seldom is, but I’m only carping. It was clear and the winds were calm today, and even downtown the temps were about 60º F.

While everyone was gone from the house, Realtor Gnomes® erected part of the for-sale sign in our front yard — the gamma-shaped part, with actual sign to appear tomorrow, according to Barb the Realtor. It looked a little strange, standing out there without a sign; and it gave me the feeling of, here we go. We’re at the top of the roller coaster.

Anticipating the Memorial Day weekend, Real Estate Media turned us loose after lunch, and that meant one thing: I got to go see a movie. An actual movie in a retail establishment built for the purpose of showing them, with comfy seats and a concession stand in the lobby, and other people watching it in the same room as me, and — well, the works, right down to the scent of overpriced popcorn and the trailers for movies I’d never pay money to see.

I can’t remember any of the specifics of the trailers even now, less than 12 hours later. Except that that Nick Nolte is clearly ready for AARP membership — and he appears in some formula heist movie that pairs him with a svelte woman of perhaps 25.

At this point in my life, I go to the movies about once every six months. I can’t precisely remember the last movie I saw in a cinema, but I know it was in 2002. Maybe it was when I took Lilly to see “Lilo and Stitch,” which wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t made with my age cohort in mind, either.

Ultimately I decided to go a 21-plex on East Illinois, not far from Navy Pier. Out of 21 screens, there was exactly one movie I had an interest in seeing, “The Quiet American.” It was superb. If I have time tomorrow, and if I can pry Lilly away from the iMac long enough, I will write my impressions of it.


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